Saturday, April 10, 2010

How Do Snails Reproduce?? ( ReDo) By Ivan Cheow

So...was asked to research about snails and the way they reproduce for biology e-learning. 1st thing came into my mind: YUCK! X_X snails are one of the most disgusting thing on earth despite being the slowest D= . Its must be very random for Ms.Nada to come up with such idea =X

So I did my research.

1st of all, Snails are hermaphrodites and I was like, "EH?!?!" because I seriously didn't know about that. Well, I never know because I seriously don't bother knowing about snails =S I don't even want to think about them. So, they are hermaphrodites, which means, they still do sexual reproductions, but they are not picky between male or female.....or...Sex Toy Pictures, Images and Photos


Okay, so what do they actually do when they are mating? From what I found, they have a around six hours of marathon of rubbing, biting and "eystalk" me, sounds just like what we humans normally do when we are mating, just that snails do it super slowly(no doubt that they are the slowest on earth =.=)...which is why they takes hours...

During the process, they actually have this thing called "love dart" injected into each other which actually contain sperms. And it pierces right through each others skin...ouch! And then all the fertilisation occurs within both snails. Sperms combine with ovum, yada yada just like other sexual reproductions...=)

Then comes the eggs, and the fantastic yet disgusting thing is, snails' skin are transparent, which can actually see eggs moving in the snail!!! D: I mean it, watch....

OMG rite?? @@

And different species of snails lay eggs at different places. So there is lots of variation. These eggs hatches after around 2 weeks or so.( At least this fact of snails are not exactly disgusting =S ) After hatching, the baby snails, find their calcium as soon as possible, mostly by eating their own eggs. Then it takes around 3 months for the snail to develop and ready to leave its nest and parents. Then the snail develops, become a adult snail, reproduce, and the cycle keeps going on and on.

Snails are actually very unique in their way of reproduction, but still disgusting D=. But there comes the fun of learning and knowing new things =). Now I can boast to others when we see a snail and talk about how they reproduce XD

God really create many special and unique things in this world =)

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